60 million Italians have received peremptory orders from national and regional authorities to remain confined in their homes in Quarantine !

It is a matter of hours (maximum of days) and the whole of Europe and the Americas will be forced to follow the same procedure, in the hope of delaying the spread of the pandemic, which if uncontrolled risks causing millions of deaths all over the planet.
In 1980, when medical student at the faculty of Pavia took the health statistics exam (thirty with honors), I never imagined I would find myself applying such knowledge in such a tragic situation.

On February 26th C.A. I took paper and pencil and drew up a first statistical projection with the scarce data that were spread in great contradiction and without certainties, so much so that numerous official and authoritative communiqués from all over the planet that appeared credible proved absolutely unreliable. More or less all the politicians and the media Mainstream have minimized and/or mocked the data by defining: “it is a trivial influence or little more”.

But the situation in China already appeared clearly to the whole world out of control and the draconian measures imposed on the population of Wuhan – the capital of Hubei in China – resulting incomprehensibly disproportionate to the narrative of the governments concerned or who should have expected to be involved in a short time….

On the 27th of February I send this whatsapp to a friend:

[hello heard the latest ?
the secretary of president Lombardia Fontana has been hospitalized… she is infected!
Fontana is in quarantine in his office in Milan…
today I know the exact data!
the intensive care units available in Italy are not 5000 as I had estimated…
they are 15000 … so the deadline does not fall on March 3 but between March 4 and 5]

on the 28th evening official data confirm my projections and on the 29th I sent this whatsapp to all my contacts to warn of the imminent danger:


the substance is this: the virus doubles the infected every 24 hours
yesterday was 28 888
28 888
29 1600
1 3200
2 6400
3 12000
4 24000
5 48000
6 91.600
7 180.000
9 300.000
10 600.000
since there are 15,000 units of intensive care…
if 20% of those infected need these places which are normally already 60/70% of normal patients (heart attacks and other acute diseases)
5000×5 = 25000
between 4 March and 5 March they will have to decide who to leave in that bed and who to treat or not to treat COVID19 … depends on many factors that we do not know, hopefully the logarithmic tuition will turn into Gaussian otherwise: “Caro Cogoj semo cagai”  [idiomatic phrase of Trieste = dear friend we are in deep shit]
…the danger lies precisely in the lack of transferability of those who govern us…
in china things started to get better when people started to stop believing the authorities… because they had turned out to be blatantly false.
Now 10% of those infected are doctors and nurses…
in Lombardy they’ve already enlisted medical students & retired doctors…
there isn’t a million doctors in Italy!!!!

Exactly as happened to Li Wenliang, the 34-year-old Chinese doctor who had been the first to raise the alarm about the spread of the coronavirus, I was mocked and/or ignored… the data were not accurate (the doubling of contagions and therefore of deaths does not take place in 24 hours but every 48 hours and the resuscitation/respiratory posts were not 15000 but only 20% of 5000, because 80% of them are always engaged for other pathologies)…
but the result changes little because the increase of the infected is exponential (the deaths are in normal conditions 2% but if there are no ventilation/reanimation units they are 10-15%) and according to the Chinese experience the contagion can reach 70% of the population.

2% of 60M/100 x 70 = 840,000
but if the flood wave of contagion overwhelms hospitals and medical personnel:

we can multiply the damage by 10!

In this apocalyptic situation the only hope of salvation (from that 20% of mortality) is to isolate oneself and keep away from anyone, not to leave home if not absolutely indispensable!

We will certainly all suffer considerable psychological stress…

so to distract myself and not think the worst I started to play with the trading of cryptocurrency.
Obviously it must be undertaken with common sense and moderation, do not risk beyond your availability, to have fun and kill time just a few tens of € (also because initially you have to learn and practice otherwise the disappointments are lurking).

My advice is to start with something simple/easy.

I will suggest 3 exchanges, the first in this article and two to follow in the next articles.


Today I’ll tell you about stellarport.io.

the registration is very simple and does not present difficulties as you can see just fill in your name and password.


Once logged in, practice the functions of the top bar:

  • Exchange
  • Wallet
  • Assets
  • Deposit
  • Support


Anyone who asks me by email at st.george.dragonslayer@email.it I will send 100 (one hundred) VOXT tokens absolutely free of charge.
(please specify in the evidence of the email the words: I would like to receive 100 (one hundred) VOXT tokens absolutely free of charge)
obviously with the enclosed instructions and information on how to use them from scratch.

Otherwise you have to deposit an initial amount … you can do it (also with VISA/mastercard) through
the wallet Wirex which allows you to buy XLMs directly.

The transfer is as simple as providing the destination address of stellarport.io.

Link to wirexapp.com

As you can read below the trading is free of charge, but there is a small commission on withdrawals/withdrawals and a first transaction fee


(I think “one-time”, I haven’t picked up anything yet)


Stellarport Fee Structure



Stellarport does not charge any trading fees. Trading is free.


The Stellarport fee structure is a fee_fixed + fee_percent structure.

The fee_percent is 0.5% (i.e. 0.005 * amount_withdrawn).

The fee_fixed varies by asset: BTC – 0.0005

Additionally, in order to do deposits or withdrawals via Stellarport, users first have to go through KYC. The KYC check will be charged back to the initial deposit or withdrawal as follows (per check): 0.000625 BTC

Once a small amount has been deposited on the stellarport, use very low value coins or very small fractions of BTC (mBTC) and/or Altcoins (established coins) to practice.

At the moment you will not find VOXT tokens in the official price list yet (we are waiting for registration on the price list).

So you have to search for them manually in the Assets panel … by typing in the search bar at the top VOXT


click (all left) on VOXT… and you will see the evaluation chart… click Trade to start…

select Buy and/or Sell depending on whether you want to buy or sell… you can change currency pair and trade all the coins in the price list (some of them not present you can search manually).


Anyone who asks me by email at st.george.dragonslayer@email.it I will send 100 (one hundred) VOXT tokens absolutely free of charge.
(please specify in the evidence in the email the words: I would like to receive 100 (one hundred) VOXT tokens absolutely free of charge).
obviously with the enclosed instructions and information on how to use them from scratch.

if you have doubts or want info: write me in @mail and I’ll reply with a dedicated article…

Bitcoin play in absolute anonymity with more winnings without taxes

Betmaster – online betting platform no AAMS/ADM – (without taxes) – also in Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency the coins of the future? i.e.: how to make bitcoin bets

Bitcoin play anonymously on the Betmaster online betting platform – no AAMS / ADM – (without fees).


Click here to try 1xbit.com … immediately a 100% welcome voucher

Enjoy the game…

If you want to find more info: in these two articles is clearly explained in a very simple way how to use Bitcoins…

Anonymous betting and online crypto currency trading in the Time of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): closed amusement arcades, betting and bingo halls all over Italy !

Greetings to all and goodbye to the next article…


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